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Compounds from marine-derived Verrucosispora sp. FIM06054 and their potential antitumour activities.
{Author}:Yi-Lei N, Yun-Dan W, Chuan-Xi W, Ru L, Yang X, Dong-Sheng F, Hong J, Yun-Yang L.
{Title}: Compounds from marine-derived Verrucosispora sp. FIM06054 and their potential antitumour activities.
{Journal}: Nat Prod Res.
{Volume}: 28(23)
{Keywords}: Verrucosispora; antitumour activity; proximicin A
{Abstract}:Strain FIM06054 was isolated from a marine sponge sample collected from the East China Sea and was characterised as a strain of Verrucosispora genus on the basis of its 16S rRNA gene sequence. One new compound, FW054-1 (1), together with a known aminofuran compound proximicin A (2), was isolated from the culture broth of Verrucosispora sp. FIM06054. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral analysis. 1 and 2 showed antiproliferative activity against several human tumour cell lines.